Masses for St Patrick’s Day Monday 17th March 2025
Rathnew 9 AM
Wicklow 10.30 AM
Barndarrig 10.30 AM
Ashford 10 AM
Glenealy 11.30 AM
Wicklow 12 Noon
Added on: 10/03/2025
Our site is intended to be a source of information about our parishes for locals and visitors alike. We hope that you may find these pages informative and supportive. We welcome your suggestions.
Masses for St Patrick’s Day Monday 17th March 2025
Rathnew 9 AM
Wicklow 10.30 AM
Barndarrig 10.30 AM
Ashford 10 AM
Glenealy 11.30 AM
Wicklow 12 Noon
Added on: 10/03/2025
This weekend (8/9 March 2025) we will be launching our Ministry Booklet in all the churches of the St Mantan Pastoral Area. It is a booklet that has been agreed by the three Parish Pastoral Councils. It is a drive to recruit more volunteers for the various ministries in the Continue reading...
Added on: 06/03/2025
We are coming very close to the formation of the Dublin Diocesan Pastoral Council. The five Pastoral Areas have now completed the Fourth Level of Discernment. From the names that were put forward by the Deaneries in December, through the First, Second and Third levels Continue reading...
Added on: 06/03/2025
The Pastoral Council of St. Patrick’s, Wicklow, and St. Joseph’s, Rathnew will aspire, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to bring about a Parish Community that is all inclusive, welcoming and actively engaged in the spreading of the Gospel message.
We, in the Parish of Wicklow, value and encourage the participation of children and young people in all Parish activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. Read our Child Protection Policy
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