We are coming very close to the formation of the Dublin Diocesan Pastoral Council. The five Pastoral Areas have now completed the Fourth Level of Discernment. From the names that were put forward by the Deaneries in December, through the First, Second and Third levels of Discernment these were brought to 45 candidates. In the Fourth Level of Discernment this was brought down to 25 candidates. Out of these candidates, nine will be chosen through a Final Discernment.

The 25 candidates participated in an Information Day recently to give them a better idea of the role of the Diocesan Pastoral Council and the commitment that is being asked of them. They also met with members of the Final Discernment Group. At all the levels of discernment there have been laity and clergy working together, as will be the case in the Final Level.

Towards the end of March the nine candidates will be appointed to the Diocesan Pastoral Council and in Eastertime they will be commissioned in St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral.

Alongside the discernment process for the lay members of the Diocesan Council, the Permanent Deacons and Female Religious have been engaged in a process to choose their candidates.

A lot of work has gone into the process of nomination and selection, all of which has followed the synodal process of prayer, listening and acting. We thank all who have facilitated each part of the journey and those who were willing to be considered as candidates. The criteria for membership is that each person should be prayerful, participative, pastoral, practical in planning and partnership driven. The second set of criteria for membership is the Diocesan Pastoral Council would provide a mix of gender, ethnicity, age, service/ministry and urban/rural/socio economic areas of the Diocese. As these criteria are applied, the candidates emerge. For candidates that are not selected for membership of the Diocesan Pastoral Council this time, it is no reflection on their gifts and abilities but is staying true to the process of working with the membership criteria.

For more information, please contact pauljoseph.thornton@dublindiocese.ie.

At this time, we ask you to be part of the process by praying with us and for us.