Young People of Ireland – This is your chance! Pope Francis wants to hear what you think or feel about our Church. We would love to hear your voice at our Dublin Diocesan Teen Synod! Join us online Thursday 31st March
6:30pm – 8pm. You can register online using this link: https://forms.office.com/r/jVYZSdxbF1
Registration closes on the 25th March at 5pm. For more information, email: synod@dublindiocese.ie
This is your opportunity to take part in the world wide gathering of people’s views on what they think and feel about the Church. It is part of the preparation here in Dublin in advance of the next Synod that will be hosted by Pope Francis next year. Please do take this invitation to join us for this prayerful and Synodal listening. You might know of other people interested in taking part too.
It will take place on Monday 4th April from 7:30-9pm. Register using the link below, before Thursday 31st March. https://forms.gle/os5DNAnoNPGSmVKV6