- Fr Aquinas Duffy PP.
- Fr Gerard Deegan CC
- Mr Pat Egan – Chairperson
- Mrs Debbie Hanlon – Co Secretary
- Mrs Geraldine Egan – Co Secretary
- Mrs. Susan Martin
- Mrs Bernadette Jarrett
- Miss Anne Cummiskey
- Mr Seamus Walker
- Mrs Roisin Cosgrave
- Mrs Maire McCann
- Mr Jacob Braswell
The purpose of the Council is to facilitate Parishioners and Priests to work together in the care of the Parish. The Council reflects, makes recommendations and assists in the Spiritual and Pastoral Development of the Parish.
The Council selects its own Chairperson and secretary. The Parish Priest is the President of the Council. The names of the members are published on the notice board in the Church porch.
The Parish Pastoral Council in this Parish is a very active and vibrant one, that works very well together and also works very hard together, to strive to help enhance the Parish wherever and however it can.
The PPC in the Parish was responsible for the installation of the Parish Webcam, the reinstating of the Annual Abbey Mass, the Mass of the Angels, the Mass for those who have been bereaved by Suicide, the Mass for Healing, the Way of the Cross and Famfest to name but a few.
They also work with and help other groups in the Parish where necessary, like the Bereavement Group for the preparation of the November Mass or the Parish Hospitality Group when necessary.
Should you have a suggestion for the PPC, please contact any of the members or ring the Parish Office, where we would be happy to help you.