RE Summer Mass Schedule on Certain Weekends
News Added on: 14/07/2024
In the event of one of the three priests being away or sick, the three Parish Pastoral Councils of the St Mantan Pastoral Area have a agreed a schedule B and C to come into effect after Easter. Schedule A is the current schedule that operates when all three priests are available. In the event of one priest not being available Schedule B comes into affect and then the next time that happens Schedule C operates. Advance notice will be given where possible
Schedule B Weekend 6/7 July / Weekend 27/28 July //Weekend 31 August/1 Sept/Weekend 6/7 October
Ashford Vigil Mass 6.00pm (Saturday)
Wicklow Vigil Mass 6.00pm (Saturday)
Kilbride 9.00am (Sunday)
Wicklow 10.30am (Sunday)
Wicklow 12.00pm (Sunday)
Brittas Bay 12.00pm (Sunday)
Schedule C Weekend 20/21 July / Weekend 10/11 August / Weekend 14/15 September
Wicklow Vigil Mass 6.00pm (Saturday)
Barndarrig Vigil Mass 7.30pm (Saturday)
Rathnew 9.00am (Sunday)
Wicklow 10.30am (Sunday)
Glenealy 10.30am (Sunday)
Wicklow 12.00pm (Sunday)